Oslo DC Closure

Scheduled on 01/08/2018 12:00:00 الوضع In-Progress Estimated finish 31/08/2018 12:00:00

Dear Dediserve Oslo users,

We are writing to inform you of the intended closure of our Oslo Datacenter based in Norway. Unfortunately, we have not received the expected demand in this location, and after careful consideration we have decided to re-locate this cloud to Stockholm, Sweden to better accommodate the demand of our customers.

The cloud will continue to operate until the end of August 2018, after which it will close down and be relocated. During this period members of our team will be in touch to re-locate your services to any of our other 18 global clouds, which can be done out of hours.

If we cannot reach you during this time we will migrate your service out of hours to the nearest global cloud and inform you of any changes.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, however the decision was made in the best interest of our customers and their requirements. As a thank you for your understanding, you will receive credit for one month of free service following the migration.

If you have any questions on this, please just let us know.

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