Upgrading your Flexible Resource Pool


So, the time has come to expand a little! You've used all the resources available in your existing Resource Pool and need to increase capacity to make room for new VMs or increase the capacity of existing ones, here's how you do it;

  1. Log into your account and using the side-panel select "Services - Flexible Resources".
  2. Select the Resource pool you intend to create a VM on, for new users there may be only one.
  3. In the Resources page select the "Resources" tab (top-right).
  4. Here you will see a summary of your current allocation and usage, in the bottom-right click on "Upgrade/Downgrade".
  5. Move the sliders to your desired specification and click "Continue".
  6. Here you will be given a summary of the payment required to upgrade the resources till the end of your billing period and the new recurring price once upgraded, proceed with payment.
  7. You will receive confirmation that the upgrade/downgrade is processing and within a few seconds the new resources should be available for use.
  8. Confirm this by clicking the "Resources" tab, the capacity and usage should have updated.

Check out our quick video guide here;

If you get stuck or need any help, we're always around, just create a ticket and myself or one of the team will assist as soon as possible.

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Kind regards,

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