Configuring SSL cert CSR in cpanel

Configuring Your SSL Cert With Cpanel

The theme for this weeks blog post are going to be security related, we hope to over the coming weeks build up a useful portfolio of tutorials and helpful guides you can use as reference on your server with us. Today i will be covering install SSL certs on your cpanel server, cpanel is the most common control panel running on our customers servers, and we offer a pre-built cpanel template to allow you to deploy your cpanel server on our cloud in mintues.

How to generate a CSR in cPanel

1. Login to your cPanel control panel.

2. Find and click on SSL/TLS Manager.

3. Click on Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Generate a New Key Enter the domain you want to create an SSL Certificate for in the Host text box or select the domain from the drop down menu. This should be the name through which the certificate will be accessed (usually the fully-qualified domain name, e.g., or

5. Click the Generate button.

6. The private key will be saved in cPanel so there is no need to copy it. Click Return to SSL Manager.

7.Click on Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests.

8.In the Generate a New Certificate Signing Request section, enter the following information:

9. Host – The domain that you enetered or selected when generating the private key.


State – The state in which your organization is located. Do not use an abbreviation.

City – The city in which your organization is located.

Company – The legally registered name of your organization/company.

Company Division – The name of your department within the organization (frequently this entry will be listed as “IT,” “Web Security,” or is simply left blank).

Email – Your email address where the CSR will be sent.

Pass Phrase – Make up a password to be associated with the certificate. You will need to remember this password later.

9. Click the Generate button. The CSR will display in the window.

10. Copy and paste the entire CSR (including the BEGIN and END lines) into the Dediserve order form.

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