Do you backup my data?

Do you backup my data?

In short, we provide the facility to take backups free of charge, but we do not manage this facility for you. 

When you purchase a Flexible Resource pool you will be allocated a standard 50GB of snapshot storage. You can set up your servers to automatically take snapshots on a schedule, or you can manually take/restore them.

A few important points 

  1. A snapshot is not the same as a total backup - snapshots are a capture of delta data (difference between original template and a VMs current state), and should the whole VM be lost, there's no guarantee of being able to recover from a snapshot.
  2. Snapshots are not validated or guaranteed - the process is automatic, and with thousands taken daily it is not possible to validate them - in short, always have a backup!
  3. Snapshots can also be used to create your own templates to deploy from at a later date.

Snapshots are a great tool that allows a level of resiliency to data loss and an easy way to scale horizontally by deploying per-configured VMs, but are in no way a substitute for an actual backup plan.

At DediSERVE, we recommend a 3-step plan for backups

  1. Make use of OnApp's automated snapshots
  2. Make use of Continual Data Protection (CDP) solutions like R1Soft or Open-source alternatives like Bacula 
  3. Have a local backup, even if taken less frequently

If you'd like to discuss a backup solution, we're always happy to help, just get in touch

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