NAS Storage - How to use?

In each location, we provide optional access to NAS arrays.

These arrays are ideal for bulk or volume storage, archival and backup content, or large media stores. They are also useful for sharing content between multiple web heads or application servers.

You can add NAS using the sliders in your Resource Pool settings, at purchase or any time after.

What is it?

The NAS units are Synology Enterprise NAS Arrays, running 10 Drives in RAID 6 with double protection over dual 10 Gigabit connections to a dedicated NAS LAN back to your cloud servers.

How do I connect?

You can add dedicated 1Gbps (up to 5Gbps) NICs to your server(s) to access the NAS LAN.

Once allocated space, you will have access to the LAN and we can allow access to your share from your IP addresses.

How do I mount the storage?

For Linux:

On your NFS client, perform the following to mount the NFS Server share

mount IP.of.NFS.Server:/directory/to/export /volume1/local/share/folder

Note: /volume1/local/share/folder must exist locally, otherwise the mount will fail

For Windows:

  1. Open Windows Explorer (My Computer) and on the Tools menu, click Map Network Drive.

  2. Type either the UNIX-style server and shared resource name (hostname://sharedresourcename) or the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path of the NFS shared resource on the UNIX file server, and then click OK.

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